페이지 선택

05/17/2020 2nd grade

Below are instructions for the 2nd grade class.
1. Watch Miss. Esther’s video :
2. Read this Sunday’s Gospel reading: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051720.cfm. (Parents: please read the Gospel with your child.)
3. Do the attached coloring page. (Parents: please say the Holy Spirit prayer with your child. You can find the prayer at the bottom of page 2 of the “Coloring Page” document.)
4. Do the attached crossword puzzle. “Advocate” means helper or supporter.
5. Optional: family outdoor game
WALK IN ANOTHER’S SHOES: Have the children sit in a circle and put all of their shoes in the middle of the circle. When the teacher/parent blows the whistle, children can run to the middle and find a PAIR of shoes that are NOT their own and run back to their place in the circle and try to put the shoes on their own feet. Children can then be told to WALK in those shoes for a little bit. Then gather in the circle again and talk about our story time today and tell the children that forgiving others is easier when we have “walked in their shoes”.

May 17, 2020

Directions for students:
Please watch the linked video below in addition to the Circle of Grace lesson.
Assignment: Check-in with your teachers by filling out the form linked below.